Lads and Dads
Million Steps Challenge

About Us

Lads & Dads was formed in 2019 and we have grown to a community of over 700+ members online. The work that we do, the events we organize, have a subtle but powerful effect. We provide a safe environment where no one needs to be afraid to express the stresses or pressures that life can bring and take part in activities that can provide badly needed distraction and relief.

We are working with One Million Steps to launch our first Million Steps Challenge and help us achieve our aims:
 To bring together and provide support, for males who have experienced, or are still seeking
support with both mental and physical health issues
 To promote activities, which help to raise awareness of mental and physical health, and to
engage group members in these activities
 To engage in activities that will have a positive impact on group members and the local

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Why we are taking part

Lads & Dads are launching a Million Steps challenge because we know how powerful walking and physical activity can be for health and wellbeing.

By taking the challenge and helping us raise funds, you will get fitter, build habits and be part of our story. One million steps = 500 miles. That's like walking around a football field 8000 times in 100 days! It's an amazing achievement and something to be proud of. It can help build resilience and only your 10,000 steps a day on average.

Your support will help us establish a solid foundation to build on the work we have already begun (have a look at our video!) and allow us to help more men, their families, and our communities.

If you need any more information about Lads & Dads or wish to discuss how your fundraising will be used, please contact us at email:

One Million Steps

100 Days 500 Miles

Sign Up With

Google Fit or Apple Health Integration
Million Steps Bluetooth
Pedometer Package

Where will your Million Steps take you?™

The Million Steps Challenge:

Your Life, Your Challenge, Your Way™

Walking is great for our physical and mental health. But we tell ourselves we can’t find the time, we’re tired, we’ll start tomorrow.

But, big things can happen from very small beginnings. Walk, jog, run or even dance your way to a million steps. It all adds up to an awesome 500 miles!

Challenge yourself, compete with friends, and even raise money for a good cause. No more travelling to events, overnight stays, worries about training, expensive entry costs or high fundraising targets.

Sign up with Google Fit or Apple Health, sync your own devices OR use our full package* pedometer and app.

Every participant receives an introduction to mindfulness and strength and conditioning.

* Full package includes Bluetooth pedometer and specially designed app.

Take The Challenge with our App Package

Add Steps Manually
Use your favourite app or sports tracker and add steps with a daily reminder to keep you up to date.

Track steps with your Phone Motion Sensors
Use Google Fit or Apple Health, connect to the Million Steps App and use your phone’s motion sensors to get your steps.

Connect Third Party Sport Trackers
Sync popular trackers like Fitbit, Garmin Connect and Apple Watch with Google Fit or Apple Health. (Please view compatibility instructions here)*

Connect with, support and cheer your friends EVEN if they use different trackers or devices!

Just £15 (25% #HelpOurCharities Discount) RRP £20 Includes VAT
PLUS invite friends and get your place FREE when six of them join!

Take The Challenge with our Sports Tracker Package

Need a sports tracker? Then join us with our Bluetooth Sports Tracker Package!

It integrates and syncs with the Million Steps App. Track steps, distance, active minutes and calories burnt. And get buzz reminders to move!

THE BEST PART: Just £19.99 celebration price

To celebrate over ONE BILLION STEPS walked (500,000 miles/20 times around planet Earth!), we have a limited number of entries at £19.99 inc VAT and Delivery* RRP £35 (40% Discount)

PLUS invite friends and get your place FREE when six of them join!

* This is a special celebration price. Replacement pedometers are £16.99

But that's not all!

It’s a journey and we care about health and well-being.
From habit loops, meditation, and strength exercises.
We want to keep you learning and moving – because every step counts!