Week 1: Monday Wednesday Friday
It’s time to bring together all you have learned and finish the foundation blocks to your fitter life.
The Basics
- Week One Full Playlists: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Each week consists of routines for Monday Wednesday and Friday
- Each day is divided into 3 circuits of 4 exercises each.
- Each exercise is for 30 seconds
- In between each exercise, rest or jog on the spot for 30 seconds
- There is a 30-second timer between each exercise.
- Rest for at least 1 Minute after finishing the first circuit (or more if you are new to this)
- Then if you can,repeat the circuit once or twice more before moving on to the next circuit.
Do not repeat circuits if you don’t want to.
Just do Circuit 1, then rest for at least a minute and move on to Circuit 2 and Circuit 3. - Just stop where ever you feel you have done your best. Come back to it if you can or move on to the next scheduled day.
The Rules
There are some positive rules for this. Take them with you from today. Let them become your guidance and remember them every time you begin, you succeed or on a difficult day.
The rules are the encouragement and positivity we have covered in our previous articles and we hope that they will play an important part, not just as you do your workout plans, but through all your moments as you reach your goals.
- Everything you need is ALREADY IN YOU, and importantly, in your home.
- Every day is a New Year’s Day if you want to start something good
- Just Start
- If it’s that important to you, schedule it!
- Use your Habit Chart
- Remember The Power Of The (GREEN) Tick
- Don’t worry if you cannot complete any of the routines.
You tried so YOU ARE ALREADY A WINNER! - There are NO “GUNG HO!” or “NO PAIN/NO GAIN!” or “SWEAT IS ONLY MY FAT CRYING!” attitudes … They can make you feel like a failure.
- If you don’t like a routine or cannot do it. That’s fine, swap it for something else, just skip it altogether or if you can, jog on the spot.
- If it feels uncomfortable or there is ANY worrying ache, Just stop.
- There is always tomorrow. BUT make sure you come back to it again and again.
- Grease Your Groove
- Bring your awareness to every exercise. Awareness. Awareness. Awareness.
- BRING PATIENCE AND KINDNESS to it. Come with a child’s mind, full of curiosity for every movement you make. It will help you build a greater understanding of what you need to have a perfect form.
- You know you want to achieve. You know that it will take time. BUT you know that if you stick with it you can succeed.
- So your first goal is to stick with it. Everything above will come together slowly (and you’ll actually be surprised how quickly that can be!)
- At the end of each session, do not forget to THANK YOURSELF for taking the time to bring something great into your life.
Give your body, and importantly your brain, the chance to slowly build up the strength, dexterity, pattern recognition and knowledge they need.
- You’ll Grease Your Groove.
- You’ll build endurance.
- You’ll bring mindful awareness to each activity that you do.
- You’ll build patience with yourself.
- And you’ll just keep getting fitter.
But before we proceed …
Before we proceed, we want you to understand that these articles and the content we provide are based on simple daily increments and it is EXTREMELY important not just for understanding what success is but also how not to injure yourself. (i.e. it’s not success)
As a Million Step Participant, you have already agreed to our health and guidelines on safety. BUT we ask that you read them again HERE.
For anyone else reading this, again, we ask that you use common sense, do only what you can and also read our guidelines HERE.
Week 1: Monday Full Routine Here
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips
Keep your chest up and your spine in a neutral position
Tighten your core as you sit back like you’re trying to sit down on a chair
Try and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel with the floor
Also, make sure that your knees stay aligned with your toes and don’t cave in now push your feet into the floor to come back to your starting position.
Curtsy Lunge
Stand with your feet hip-width apart cross the right foot behind the left as you lunge back bending both knees 90 degrees keeping the left knee directly above the left ankle
Then push back up with your left heel and return to your starting position and then repeat this on your other side
Glute Bridges
Lay on your back and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle and keep your feet hip-width apart
Press your heels into the floor as you drive your hips up using your glute muscles until your knees and shoulders form a straight line
Squeeze your glutes at the top before lowering back down again
Donkey Kicks
Get your hands and Legs on to the mat with your hands in line with your shoulder and your knees in line with the hips.
Bend your legs and kick mid-air maintaining an angle of 90 degrees.
Flex your knee and lift it to a hip level making sure you feel the contraction in your glute at the top of the moment
Try and keep your lower back from arching
Now lower your leg and repeat it on the other side
Start in a high plank position then jump your feet towards your hands and land on the outside of them as close to your hands as you can ending up in a kind of frog looking position
Then jump your feet away from her hands returning through the high plank that we started in
Kneeling Push-Ups
Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor in line with your shoulders hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
Contract your core and keep your legs engaged to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders
Keep your elbows close to your body as you bend them to lower yourself down until your chest nearly touches the floor
Then push yourself back up to the starting position
Bodyweight Tricep Dips
Start seated with your knees bent and your feet on the floor place your hands behind you with your fingers facing your hips bend your elbows straight back and use your triceps to press back up
When you’re ready to advance try lifting your hips off the ground and doing the same thing while your hips stay lifted
Lie face down on a mat with your arms extended in front of you and keep your arms and legs straight throughout the exercise.
Now raise your arms and legs up off the floor holding it there for two seconds then return to starting position.
Plank w Leg Raise
Start in a low plank position keeping your back straight your core tight and legs engaged then lift one leg up and feel that squeeze in your glute
Then lower back down and repeat with your other leg and keep alternating sides remember to keep your core engaged and your back straight during the entire exercise
Scissor Kicks
Lay on your back with your hands by your sides lift your legs up slightly off the ground and alternate crossing one foot over the other
Keep your core engaged by pulling your belly in towards the spine and keep your leg straight avoid arching your back by pressing your lower back into the floor
Bicycle Crunches
Lie on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you
Place your hands lightly behind your head with your elbows open
Lift your chest up slightly as you bend one knee and bring it towards your chest
As you twist your torso meeting your knee with the opposite shoulder straighten your starting leg out as you twist towards the other side bringing your other leg in and repeating this to the other side
V Sit w Extension
Sit on a mat with your legs bent then lift your legs off the ground while leaning back creating a v-shape with your body.
You can place your hands behind you to lightly support yourself if balancing in this position is too advanced make sure you’re keeping a straight back and chest lifted
Extend one leg at a time while focusing on keeping your core engaged
Week 1: WEDNESDAY Full Routine Here
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips
Keep your chest up and your spine in a neutral position
Tighten your core as you sit back like you’re trying to sit down on a chair
Try and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel with the floor
Also, make sure that your knees stay aligned with your toes and don’t cave in now push your feet into the floor to come back to your starting position
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and then step backwards with your right leg and lower yourself until your knees are at a 90-degree angle
Keep the weight on the front leg and push through your heel to get back up to the starting position
Now repeat this on the other side
Frog Pumps
Lay back on the floor as you would for glute bridges but put the soles of your feet together so your legs make a diamond shape
Now press your feet together as you squeeze your glutes to drive your hips up making a straight line from your knees to your shoulders then lower your hips back down and repeat
Donkey Kicks
Get your hands and Legs on to the mat with your hands in line with your shoulder and your knees in line with the hips.
Bend your legs and kick mid-air maintaining an angle of 90 degrees.
Flex your knee and lift it to a hip level making sure you feel the contraction in your glute at the top of the moment
Try and keep your lower back from arching
Now lower your leg and repeat it on the other side
Mountain Climbers
Start in a high plank position with your hands about shoulder-width apart.
Keep your back flat and your abs engaged, pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can then switch push that knee out and bring the other knee in.
Run your knees in and out as fast as you can
Kneeling Push-Ups
Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor in line with your shoulders hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
Contract your core and keep your legs engaged to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders
Keep your elbows close to your body as you bend them to lower yourself down until your chest nearly touches the floor
Then push yourself back up to the starting position
Bodyweight Tricep Dips
Start seated with your knees bent and your feet on the floor place your hands behind you with your fingers facing your hips bend your elbows straight back and use your triceps to press back up
When you’re ready to advance try lifting your hips off the ground and doing the same thing while your hips stay lifted
Lie face down on a mat with your arms extended in front of you and keep your arms and legs straight throughout the exercise.
Now raise your arms and legs up off the floor holding it there for two seconds then return to starting position.
Commando Plank
Start in a high plank position come down on your right forearm and then your left so you’re now in a regular plank
From there you’re gonna push yourself back up on your right side so your arm is straight and then follow with your left arm so you’re now back on both hands
Keep your core engaged and maintain a flat back during the entire exercise
Scissor Kicks
Lay on your back with your hands by your sides lift your legs up slightly off the ground and alternate crossing one foot over the other
Keep your core engaged by pulling your belly in towards the spine and keep your leg straight avoid arching your back by pressing your lower back into the floor
Straight Leg Toe Touches
Lay on your back and lift your legs straight up then reach up towards your toes
Lifting your upper back off the floor feeling your core contracting before lowering back down again repeat this for desired amount of reps
V Sit w Extension
Sit on a mat with your legs bent then lift your legs off the ground while leaning back creating a v-shape with your body.
You can place your hands behind you to lightly support yourself if balancing in this position is too advanced make sure you’re keeping a straight back and chest lifted
Extend one leg at a time while focusing on keeping your core engaged
Week 1: FRIDAY Full Routine Here
Circuit 1
Jump Squats
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and start by doing a regular squat when you’re down in that squat position
Engage your core and jump up explosively when you land lower your body back down into the squat position to complete one rep
Try and land as quietly as possible which requires control
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and then step backwards with your right leg and lower yourself until your knees are at a 90-degree angle
Keep the weight on the front leg and push through your heel to get back up to the starting position
Now repeat this on the other side
Frog Pumps
Lay back on the floor as you would for glute bridges but put the soles of your feet together so your legs make a diamond shape
Now press your feet together as you squeeze your glutes to drive your hips up making a straight line from your knees to your shoulders then lower your hips back down and repeat
Donkey Kicks
Get your hands and Legs on to the mat with your hands in line with your shoulder and your knees in line with the hips.
Bend your legs and kick mid-air maintaining an angle of 90 degrees.
Flex your knee and lift it to a hip level making sure you feel the contraction in your glute at the top of the movement
Try and keep your lower back from arching
Now lower your leg and repeat it on the other side
Circuit 2
Mountain Climbers
Starting in a high plank position with your hands about shoulder-width apart
Lay your back flat and your abs engaged pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can then switch pulling that knee out and bring the other knee in run your knees in and out as fast as you can
Crab Toe Touch
Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you and your hands behind you lift your hips up until your body’s parallel with the floor focus on engaging your core
Then bring your right hand up while at the same time lifting your left leg up and touch your toes slowly return to the elevated position and then repeat this on your other side keep alternating back and forth
Tricep Dips
Start seated with your knees bent and your feet on the floor place your hands behind you with your fingers facing your hips bend your elbows straight back and use your triceps to press back up
When you’re ready to advance try lifting your hips off the ground and doing the same thing while your hips stay lifted
Start in a high plank position then jump your feet towards your hands and land on the outside of them as close to your hands as you can ending up in a kind of frog looking position
Then jump your feet away from her hands returning through the high plank that we started in
Circuit 3
Commando Plank
Start in a high plank position come down on your right forearm and then your left so you’re now in a regular plank
From there you’re gonna push yourself back up on your right side so your arm is straight and then follow with your left arm so you’re now back on both hands
Keep your core engaged and maintain a flat back during the entire exercise
Russian Twists
Sit with bent knees and your feet pressing firmly into the floor
Lean back slightly while keeping your spine straight and your core engaged
Then start twisting your upper body to the left immediately followed by twisting over to your right side and keep repeating this for the length of the exercise.
To make this more challenging you can, hold onto a weight as you’re twisting
Straight Leg Toe Touches
Lay on your back and lift your legs straight up then reach up towards your toes
Lifting your upper back off the floor feeling your core contracting before lowering back down again repeat this for desired amount of reps
Bird Dog
Get on your hands and knees with your knees about hip-width apart and your hands firmly placed on the ground shoulder-width apart
Brace your core as you point one arm out in front and extend the opposite leg behind you
Keep your hips squared to the ground and your abs engaged throughout the entire exercise and work to minimize any extra movement in your hips during the weight shift
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