The North Wales NHS charity, Awyr Las, provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds, helping to make a big difference for patients across North Wales.
By taking part in this epic challenge you can choose to support any healthcare ward/service/department across North Wales through Awyr Las, your North Wales NHS charity.
We believe this is a great opportunity for a fresh start to the New Year! Being a part of this amazing health and wellbeing challenge from the 1st January 2021 whilst raising money for an area that is close to your heart in aid of Awyr Las, your North Wales NHS charity.
Achieve 500 miles / 1 Million steps over 100 days by running, walking your dog, going out with your family in your local hometowns and countryside or just getting your day-to-day chores done – it’s totally up to you!
We look forward to seeing you achieve the miles and treading your way to one million steps with us. Thank you so much for your valued support and for making a difference for patients across North Wales.
My aim is to achieve 1 million steps in 100 days, as well as doing this to keep fit and healthy, I'm fundraising to support Therapies East, an area that is close to my heart as I have worked as a Dietitian in the North East of Wales for 15 years. The money I raise will help Therapies East to provide support to their staff and services to support patients and their families, over and above what the NHS can provide. Through its 400 different funds Awyr Las, the North Wales NHS Charity, makes a real difference in hospitals and in communities across North Wales
"Well done kate and team "
"Great job! Xx"
Sue BH
"Well done to all of you"
"well done Kate x"
Participants find out how here.
Like to join the challenge too? Click Count Me In!
Want to raise some money for charity?